Dealing With Camping Insects: How To Keep Flies Away When Camping

black fly perched on green leaf in close up photography

Camping is a beautiful way to enjoy nature and get away from your hectic life in the city. It is also a great method of spending time with friends and family and strengthening relationships.

But do you know who loves camping too? Other bugs. Yes, that is right. Flying insects too, love camping. If you are someone who is extremely allergic to flies, their presence can put a damper on your camping experience. A mosquito repellent might not be of any use.

And while there are some people who will simply ignore them or keep swatting at them – the smart ones have found an easier solution like using an insect control repellent. Then there are also others who find creative ways of getting rid of them like using a natural repellent or bug repelling bracelets.

Tips to Keep Flies Away While Camping

macro photography of brown and black insect

However, not everyone is a fan of using hazardous chemicals to keep the flies away. Luckily there are ways to keep flies away without having to resort to harmful pesticides.

Here are some simple yet effective tips that will let you enjoy your camping trip without any interruptions from pesky biting insects.

Keep Food Covered

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep flies away when camping or anywhere for that matter! Flies are attracted to food and if there is uncovered food around – you can rest assured they will turn up in large numbers.

So make sure all your food items are kept covered, especially after having been used.

Remember, even a tiny bit of exposed left-over can attract flies. You should also avoid leaving any garbage behind as this too attracts them.

Make Campfires Outside

two black cassesoles

If you have to have fires then do so on the open ground rather than under trees where debris has gathered over the years.

Fire produces smoke which drives off most insects including flies so having a campfire outside is an easy and simple solution.

Use Bug Spray

If you are allergic to flies or regularly get bitten by them, you can try using insect repellents such as the ones used for mosquitoes.

However, make sure you apply them in moderation and keep them away from your face and eyes.

Keep the Tent Covered

woman and a dog inside outdoor tent near body of water

While this might not be possible when it rains, you should at least try to cover your tent while there is no rain if you want to avoid being attacked by insects while camping.

Make sure the cover is fitted properly so that no holes are left through which insects can enter!

Hang Up Fly Traps

There are many kinds of fly traps available today but if you wish to make your own, all you need do is get a couple of mason jars and fill them halfway with water.

Add a bit of dish soap and some fruit slices (oranges work great) and cover the jar opening with plastic wrap.

Poke small holes into the plastic wrap with a toothpick or needle and then hang these containers up from trees or posts around camp.

Avoid Bright Colours

Flies are attracted to bright colours such as reds, yellows, and oranges so avoid wearing clothing in these colours when going camping if you want to keep flies away.

They tend to attract bugs more. Wear neutral-coloured clothing instead such as whites and greys! They are a natural bug repellent.

Light Citronella Candles

These types of natural repellents are hygiene products that help to get rid of flies in India and light them up on your campsite to keep the bugs away.

Using citronella oil, which has a strong smell that flies do not like, is also an effective solution as opposed to harsh chemicals.

Carrying essential oils might also help against biting flies on your camping trip.

Essential Oil Bug Spray Recipe

Try making your own insect repellent by mixing together a few drops of one or more essential oils with pure water in a spray bottle.

Lavender, peppermint, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus are all great choices when it comes to repelling flies using bug sprays!

Sleep Under a Net

If you are camping for several days together – perhaps during the monsoon – it might be best to sleep under mosquito netting instead of using tents.

This will ensure you get enough rest throughout the day without being woken by bug bites!

Use Lemongrass

Another natural way to keep insects away while camping is to use lemongrass essential oil or even lemongrass spray around campsites.

Lemongrass has a citrusy smell that repels flies and mosquitoes naturally! You could also try growing some lemongrass in your garden or balcony to keep bugs away at home.

Get Rid of Standing Water

green leaf with water drops

Flies are found in most parts of the world and often breed around stagnant ponds, polluted rivers and other such bodies of water that do not flow.

Try to avoid such bodies of water near your campsite and if you come across any – try to remove as much waste from them as possible so that they dry up quickly.

Are the Tips for Keeping Flies Away When Camping Also Effective for Keeping Bears Away From Campsite?

If you’re looking for tips for keeping bears away from campsite, it’s important to note that the methods used for keeping flies away when camping may not be effective. While flies can be deterred with measures like citronella candles or mesh screens, bears require specific precautions. This includes proper bear-safe food storage, minimizing food odors, and using bear-resistant containers. To ensure safety in bear country, it’s best to follow specific guidelines designed for these magnificent creatures.


With these few quick and easy ways to keep bugs away while camping, you can ensure that your trip is not ruined by pesky flies!

An insect repellent or bug spray can also be made with homemade essential oil repellent. Black flies are terrified of traditional bug sprays. Using insect repellent frequently keeps away pesky insects. Apple cider vinegar is a natural bug spray component. Bug repelling diffusers keeps bugs away while camping.

Since most of the methods are natural – it means they will be safe for you and your family to use.

So go ahead and enjoy your camp-outs without worrying about the bugs!

About The Author

daniel and sarah on motorcycle

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