Planning a Motorcycle Trip in Egypt? Here are 20 Essential Tips & Laws You Need to Know

20 Tips & Laws to know before your Motorcycle trip in Egypt

Planning a motorcycle trip in Egypt? Here are 20 essential tips and laws you need to know before hitting the road. Egypt is a fascinating country with a rich history and breathtaking landscapes, but it’s important to be well-prepared to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • Egypt is generally safe to visit, but staying aware of your surroundings is essential.
  • Dress modestly and set boundaries to avoid unwanted attention.
  • Tipping is expected in Egypt, so be prepared to tip for various services.
  • Cash is preferred, so make sure to have enough on hand.
  • Stay hydrated with bottled water and be cautious of tap water.

Is Egypt safe for motorcycle trips?

Safety is a top priority when embarking on a motorcycle trip in Egypt. Find out about the safety conditions and precautions you should take before your journey.

Egypt is generally safe to visit, but it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings. Like any travel destination, it is recommended to research and be informed about the current situation in Egypt. Pay attention to travel advisories and any potential safety concerns before planning your motorcycle trip.

While Egypt is known for its rich history and cultural wonders, it’s also important to be mindful of certain safety precautions. Harassment can be a problem in Egypt, so dress modestly and set boundaries to avoid unwanted attention. Respect the local customs and guidelines to ensure a more enjoyable and trouble-free experience.

Key Safety Tips for Your Motorcycle Trip in Egypt

  • Stay aware of your surroundings and follow any local laws and regulations.
  • Be cautious of those looking for tips or attempting scams; use common sense and be skeptical of anyone offering unsolicited assistance.
  • Consider hiring a reputable tour guide who is familiar with the area and can provide valuable insights and assistance.
  • Research the tipping etiquette for different services in Egypt, such as guides and drivers, to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Keep yourself updated with the latest weather conditions and plan accordingly, especially during extreme temperature periods.
  • Ensure that you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers motorcycling activities and medical emergencies.

By taking these safety precautions and being prepared, you can have a memorable and enjoyable motorcycle trip in Egypt. Make the most of your adventure by exploring the stunning landscapes, ancient ruins, and vibrant culture that this remarkable country has to offer.

Travel Safety Tips Precautions
Stay aware of surroundings Follow local laws and regulations
Dress modestly Avoid unwanted attention
Hire a reputable tour guide Benefit from local knowledge and assistance
Research tipping etiquette Avoid misunderstandings
Stay updated with weather Plan accordingly
Have comprehensive travel insurance Cover motorcycling activities and medical emergencies

Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for your motorcycle trip in Egypt, and have a safe and enjoyable adventure!

Dressing and Etiquette in Egypt

Understanding the cultural norms and dressing appropriately is crucial for a respectful and enjoyable motorcycle trip in Egypt. Learn about the dress code and etiquette you should follow to ensure a positive experience in this fascinating country.

Dress Code

Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, and it is important to respect the local customs and dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or interacting with locals. Both men and women should avoid revealing clothing and opt for clothing that covers the shoulders, chest, and knees. Women may also consider wearing a headscarf in certain areas as a sign of respect.

It is also advisable to carry a lightweight scarf or shawl with you to cover up when necessary, especially in more conservative areas. This will ensure that you are able to adapt to different situations and show respect for the local culture.


In addition to dressing appropriately, understanding Egyptian etiquette will help you navigate social situations with ease. When meeting someone, it is customary to greet them with a handshake and a smile. It is also common to exchange pleasantries and ask about the other person’s well-being before delving into the main conversation.

Respecting personal space is important, and it’s best to wait until the other person offers to move beyond a handshake or minimal physical contact. Remember to always be polite and use “please” and “thank you” in your interactions. Egyptians are known for their hospitality, and showing gratitude for their kindness will be greatly appreciated.

Table Manners

When dining in Egypt, it is customary to wait for the host or the eldest person at the table to start eating before you begin. If you are invited to someone’s home, it is polite to bring a small gift, such as pastries or flowers, to show your appreciation.

Egyptian cuisine is rich and diverse, so be open to trying new flavors and dishes. Remember to use your right hand for eating, as the left hand is considered unclean in Egyptian culture. It is also customary to eat with your fingers, using bread as a utensil to scoop up food.

By dressing modestly, observing local customs, and practicing good etiquette, you will not only show respect for the Egyptian culture but also enhance your overall experience during your motorcycle trip.

Tipping Culture in Egypt

Tipping is an integral part of the Egyptian culture, so knowing how and when to tip can enhance your experience during your motorcycle trip. Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. When dining out, it’s customary to leave a 10-15% tip for good service. However, check the bill first, as some restaurants automatically include a service charge.
  2. For taxi rides, rounding up the fare or adding a small tip is appreciated. If you have a private driver or tour guide, a larger tip is expected.
  3. Hotel staff, including bellhops, maids, and concierge, should receive a small tip for their services. A few Egyptian pounds per person will be greatly appreciated.
  4. When visiting historical sites and attractions, you may encounter unofficial guides who offer their services. If you find their assistance helpful, a tip is customary.

It’s important to note that tipping is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged and greatly appreciated. It serves as a form of gratitude for the services rendered. However, always ensure that the quality of service meets your expectations before giving a tip.

Tipping Etiquette at a Glance

Service Recommended Tip
Restaurant Service 10-15% of the bill (check for service charge)
Taxi Rides Rounding up the fare or small tip
Hotel Staff A few Egyptian pounds per person
Unofficial Guides Based on the quality of service

Keep in mind that tipping is a way to show appreciation and contribute to the local economy. By tipping appropriately, you can support individuals who rely on these gratuities for their livelihood. So, don’t forget to carry some small bills with you during your motorcycle trip in Egypt.

Money and transactions in Egypt

Understanding the local currency, cash preference, and other financial aspects will help you navigate transactions smoothly during your motorcycle trip in Egypt. The official currency of Egypt is the Egyptian pound (EGP), and it’s advisable to carry some cash with you as it is the most widely accepted form of payment. While credit cards are accepted at larger establishments like hotels and restaurants, they may not be widely accepted in smaller shops or local markets.

It’s important to note that there might be additional charges or fees when using credit cards, so it’s always wise to carry cash for smaller transactions. ATMs are available in major cities and tourist areas, allowing you to withdraw cash in local currency. However, it’s advisable to inform your bank before traveling to Egypt to ensure your cards are not blocked for security reasons.

When conducting transactions, it’s a good practice to check your change and bills for counterfeit currency. Familiarize yourself with the different denominations of the Egyptian pound to avoid confusion. If you need to exchange foreign currency, it’s recommended to do so at authorized exchange offices or banks.

Table: Egyptian Currency

Denomination Value in Egyptian Pound (EGP)
1 Pound 1 EGP
5 Pounds 5 EGP
10 Pounds 10 EGP
20 Pounds 20 EGP
50 Pounds 50 EGP
100 Pounds 100 EGP
200 Pounds 200 EGP
500 Pounds 500 EGP

It’s also worth noting that bargaining is a common practice in Egypt, especially in local markets or when dealing with street vendors. Negotiating prices can be part of the experience, so don’t hesitate to try your bargaining skills to get the best deal.

Health and Hygiene in Egypt

Ensuring your health and practicing good hygiene are essential for an enjoyable and hassle-free motorcycle trip in Egypt. Learn about the precautions you need to take.

1. Stay Hydrated: Egypt’s hot climate can quickly dehydrate you, so it’s crucial to drink plenty of water. Stick to bottled water to avoid any risks associated with tap water.

2. Food Safety: While exploring Egyptian cuisine is a must, be cautious about where and what you eat. Choose reputable restaurants and street vendors with good hygiene practices to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses. Wash your hands before meals and avoid raw or undercooked food.

Precautions: Recommendations:
Water Safety Stick to bottled water and avoid tap water.
Food Safety Choose reputable places with good hygiene practices, avoid raw or undercooked food, and wash your hands before meals.
Personal Hygiene Carry hand sanitizer and wet wipes to maintain cleanliness on the go.
Medications and Vaccinations Consult a healthcare professional for any necessary vaccinations before your trip, and pack essential medications.

3. Personal Hygiene: While traveling, carrying hand sanitizer and wet wipes is essential to maintain cleanliness, especially when soap and water may not be readily available. Keep these items easily accessible in your motorcycle gear or backpack.

4. Medications and Vaccinations: Before embarking on your motorcycle trip, consult a healthcare professional to ensure you have received all necessary vaccinations for Egypt. Pack essential medications, including any prescription drugs you may require, in case of emergencies.

Stay healthy and enjoy your motorcycle trip in Egypt!

Photography and Cultural Sensitivity

Egypt offers breathtaking sights for photography enthusiasts, but it’s important to understand the cultural sensitivities and rules regarding photography. As you capture the beauty of this ancient land, keep in mind these tips to ensure respectful and responsible photography.

Ask for Permission

In certain areas, it is best to ask for permission before taking photographs, especially when capturing images of locals or religious sites. By showing respect and asking politely, you can avoid any unintentional offense and create a more positive interaction.

Respect Local Customs

While photography is generally allowed in Egypt, it is essential to be aware of and respect local customs and traditions. Some communities may have specific rules regarding photography, so it’s crucial to be sensitive to their values and beliefs.

Additionally, when photographing people, be considerate and avoid capturing images without their consent. Always respect individuals’ privacy and personal boundaries.

Pack the Right Gear

Make sure to have the appropriate equipment for your photography needs. This could include a wide-angle lens for capturing vast landscapes or a zoom lens for more detailed shots. Additionally, consider bringing a tripod for stability and long-exposure shots.

Tip Be Mindful of Lighting
Remember to take advantage of the golden hour, which occurs during the first hour of sunlight and the last hour before sunset. This soft, warm lighting enhances the beauty of the Egyptian landscapes.

Photography in Egypt is a wonderful opportunity to capture memorable moments and showcase the country’s rich heritage. By being respectful, considerate, and well-prepared, you can create stunning photographs while fostering a positive cultural exchange.

Exploring Egyptian Cuisine

Indulge in the flavors of Egypt while on your motorcycle trip by exploring the local cuisine and discovering vegetarian options. Egyptian cuisine is a delightful fusion of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and African influences, offering a variety of dishes that will tantalize your taste buds.

Start your culinary adventure with traditional Egyptian breakfast items such as ful medames (slow-cooked fava beans), taameya (Egyptian falafel), and baladi bread. These flavorful dishes are often accompanied by tahini sauce, pickles, and fresh vegetables.

For lunch or dinner, don’t miss out on trying koshari, a popular Egyptian street food dish. It consists of a unique combination of rice, lentils, macaroni, and chickpeas topped with a tangy tomato sauce and caramelized onions. This vegetarian-friendly dish offers a perfect balance of flavors and textures.

Must-Try Egyptian Dishes Description
Kofta Aromatic grilled minced meat or vegetable skewers, seasoned with Middle Eastern spices.
Mulukhiyah A nutritious and hearty soup made from jute leaves, served with rice or bread.
Umm Ali A sweet and creamy bread pudding dessert made with puff pastry, milk, nuts, and raisins.

Complete your culinary journey with traditional Egyptian desserts like basbousa (a semolina cake soaked in syrup) or kunafa (a cheese-filled pastry soaked in sweet syrup). These desserts are rich in flavor and a perfect way to end your meal.

Whether you’re a meat lover or prefer vegetarian options, Egyptian cuisine has something to offer everyone. So, don’t miss the opportunity to savor the diverse flavors and experience the culinary richness of Egypt during your motorcycle trip.

Religious Customs and Observances in Egypt

Understanding and respecting religious customs and observances in Egypt will enhance your cultural experience during your motorcycle trip. Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, and Islamic traditions play a significant role in everyday life. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these customs to show respect to the local population and avoid any unintended offense.

During your visit to Egypt, you may encounter various religious practices, such as the call to prayer that resonates from mosques five times a day. It is customary for Muslims to pause their activities and engage in prayer during these times. As a visitor, it is important to be mindful and respectful of these moments, preferably by refraining from loud activities or music.

Another significant religious observance in Egypt is Ramadan, a month of fasting from dawn until sunset. During this time, practicing Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, and smoking during daylight hours. As a visitor, it is important to be aware of the cultural sensitivity associated with Ramadan. Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours, as it is considered disrespectful to those who are fasting.

Customs Observances
Taraweeh Prayer A special prayer performed in mosques during Ramadan
Eid al-Fitr A celebration marking the end of Ramadan
Eid al-Adha A celebration honoring the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son

It’s essential to dress modestly when visiting religious sites in Egypt, regardless of your own religious beliefs. Both men and women should ensure their shoulders and knees are covered, and it is recommended for women to carry a shawl or scarf to cover their hair if necessary. This demonstrates respect for the religious significance of these places and avoids causing discomfort or offense to worshippers.

Exploring the Rich Religious Heritage of Egypt

As you explore Egypt’s rich religious heritage, you will encounter breathtaking mosques, churches, and temples. These sacred sites hold deep historical and cultural significance for the Egyptian people. When visiting these places of worship, it is important to observe the rules and regulations set forth by the respective religious communities. Familiarize yourself with any dress codes, photography restrictions, or visiting hours to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience.

By embracing and understanding the religious customs and observances in Egypt, you will not only enrich your own cultural experience but also foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. Remember to be respectful, open-minded, and curious as you explore the spiritual tapestry of this remarkable country.

Hiring a Tour Guide in Egypt

Consider hiring a knowledgeable tour guide to help you navigate Egypt’s rich history and cultural wonders during your motorcycle trip. A tour guide can provide valuable insights, ensuring that you make the most of your time in this captivating country. With their in-depth knowledge and expertise, they can enhance your experience by sharing fascinating stories and historical facts about the various landmarks and attractions you visit.

By hiring a tour guide, you gain access to a wealth of local knowledge that may not be readily available in guidebooks or online resources. They can help you navigate through Egypt’s bustling cities, offering insider tips on the best places to eat, shop, and explore. Whether you’re interested in ancient Egyptian history, Islamic architecture, or vibrant local markets, a tour guide can customize your itinerary to suit your preferences and ensure you have a truly unforgettable adventure.

Additionally, a tour guide can provide a heightened level of safety and security during your motorcycle trip. They are familiar with the local customs, traditions, and potential risks, allowing you to navigate unfamiliar territories with ease. They can also assist in translation and communication with locals, bridging any language barriers and facilitating meaningful interactions.

Benefits of Hiring a Tour Guide

Here are some key benefits of hiring a tour guide for your motorcycle trip in Egypt:

  • Expert knowledge and insights into Egypt’s history, culture, and attractions
  • Customized itineraries tailored to your interests and preferences
  • Enhanced safety and security through local expertise
  • Translation and communication assistance
  • Access to hidden gems and lesser-known attractions
  • Hassle-free navigation through busy cities and crowded tourist sites
  • Opportunity to learn from a passionate local guide

For an immersive and enriching experience during your motorcycle trip in Egypt, hiring a tour guide is highly recommended. Their expertise and guidance will not only ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey but also provide you with a deeper understanding and appreciation of this remarkable country’s history and culture.

What are some important tips and laws to know before embarking on a motorcycle trip in Thailand?

Before embarking on a motorcycle trip in Thailand, it is essential to be aware of some important tips and laws. Always wear a helmet as it is mandatory by law. Familiarize yourself with Thai traffic rules, road conditions, and local driving habits. Obtain an International Driving Permit and comprehensive travel insurance to ensure a smooth and safe journey. Additionally, stay updated on weather conditions, follow speed limits, and avoid riding at night. Keep these motorcycle trip tips in thailand in mind to fully enjoy your experience while staying safe.


By following these tips and laws, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on an unforgettable motorcycle trip in Egypt, full of cultural immersion and adventure.

Egypt is a wonderful destination for motorcycle enthusiasts, offering a unique blend of historical landmarks, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. However, it’s important to be prepared and informed before you set off on your journey.

From understanding the local customs and etiquette to navigating the tipping culture, being aware of these essential tips and laws will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Egypt is generally safe for motorcycle trips, but it’s always a good idea to stay aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

Make sure to dress modestly and respect the local customs, particularly when visiting religious sites. Egypt’s tipping culture is an important aspect to be mindful of, as it is expected to show appreciation for various services. Additionally, it’s recommended to carry enough cash as it is the preferred method of payment.

Staying healthy and maintaining hygiene standards is crucial during your motorcycle trip in Egypt. It’s advisable to drink only bottled water and bring along your own toilet paper. Protect yourself from the intense heat by packing sunscreen and a hat, especially during the summer months.

While exploring this beautiful country, be respectful when taking photographs and seek permission in certain areas. Also, it’s important to be aware of the local religious customs and observances, such as Ramadan, and adjust your behavior accordingly.

In Egypt, hiring a tour guide can greatly enhance your experience by providing valuable insights and assistance in navigating the attractions. They can also help you understand the local culture and history on a deeper level.

By embracing these tips and laws, you’ll have an incredible adventure, immersing yourself in Egypt’s rich heritage, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality. So, get ready to hit the road and explore all that this fascinating country has to offer!


Q: Is Egypt safe for motorcycle trips?

A: Egypt is generally safe to visit, but it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

Q: How should I dress and what is the etiquette in Egypt?

A: Dress modestly and set boundaries to avoid unwanted attention. When meeting someone, it’s common to shake hands or kiss on the cheeks.

Q: Should I tip in Egypt?

A: Yes, tipping is expected in Egypt for various services. Be prepared to tip accordingly.

Q: What is the preferred payment method in Egypt?

A: Cash is preferred in Egypt, so make sure to have enough on hand. Credit cards may not be widely accepted.

Q: Can I drink tap water in Egypt?

A: No, the tap water in Egypt is not safe to drink. Stick to bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

Q: Should I bring my own toilet paper?

A: Yes, it’s advisable to bring your own toilet paper as it may not be provided in public restrooms.

Q: How can I protect myself from the intense heat in summer?

A: Pack sunscreen and a hat to protect yourself from the intense heat in Egypt during summer.

Q: Can I take photos everywhere in Egypt?

A: Photography is generally allowed in Egypt, but it’s best to ask for permission, especially in certain areas or near military installations.

Q: Are there vegetarian food options available in Egypt?

A: Yes, Egypt offers vegetarian food options, so you won’t have trouble finding meals suited to your dietary preferences.

Q: What should I be aware of during Ramadan in Egypt?

A: During Ramadan, be mindful of the changes in opening hours and avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours.

Q: Are there extra fees at tourist sites in Egypt?

A: Yes, be prepared for extra fees and charges at tourist sites and attractions in Egypt.

Q: How should I dress when visiting religious sites in Egypt?

A: Respect the conservative dress code and dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites in Egypt.

Q: Can I bring a drone to Egypt?

A: No, it is prohibited to bring a drone to Egypt without a license.

Q: What should I be cautious of in terms of scams or unwanted attention in Egypt?

A: Egyptians are generally known for their hospitality, but be cautious of those looking for tips or attempting scams. Set boundaries and trust your instincts.

Q: Should I consider hiring a tour guide in Egypt?

A: Hiring a tour guide can be beneficial to help you navigate Egypt and make the most of your motorcycle trip, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the country.

Q: What is the tipping etiquette for guides and drivers in Egypt?

A: It’s customary to tip guides and drivers in Egypt. The amount for tipping may vary, but it’s advisable to research the tipping etiquette and adjust accordingly.

Q: Can I rely on credit cards for most transactions in Egypt?

A: Credit cards may not be widely accepted, so it’s recommended to rely on cash for most transactions in Egypt.

Q: How can I prioritize my safety during my motorcycle trip in Egypt?

A: Prioritize your safety by following travel advisories, staying informed about the current situation in Egypt, and being cautious of potential risks.

Q: Are there more to explore in Egypt beyond the famous landmarks?

A: Absolutely! Egypt offers a rich and diverse culture and history. Explore beyond the famous landmarks to discover hidden gems and learn more about Egypt’s fascinating heritage.

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About The Author

daniel and sarah on motorcycle

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